Understanding Chest Pain: Heartburn or Something More Serious?

Dr. Jahangeer
2 min readFeb 15, 2024


In our everyday lives, we sometimes brush off discomforts that seem minor. But some signals could be telling us something deeper, especially when it comes to our heart's health.

Take the case of a recent patient who came in complaining of persistent heartburn. Despite trying different remedies, the issue stuck around. After digging deeper, it turned out the chest discomfort got worse after physical activity or walking briskly, often with shortness of breath. Despite thinking it was just a tummy problem, further tests showed it was actually a heart condition called angina.

Angina happens when the heart muscles don't get enough blood flow, causing chest pain or discomfort. It can feel a lot like heartburn, leading to confusion and delayed treatment.

Here's how you can tell the difference:

1. When it Happens:

Heartburn usually shows up after eating or lying down, while angina often strikes during activity and gets better with rest.

2. How it Feels:

Heartburn might feel like a burning sensation, but angina could feel like pressure, tightness, or squeezing in the chest. It might also come with shortness of breath, dizziness, or a racing heart.

3. Who’s at Risk:

If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, are overweight, or have a family history of heart disease, you could be more at risk. Don't ignore chest discomfort, especially if you have these risk factors.

It's important to know these differences, especially if you're at risk of heart disease. Ignoring symptoms or mistaking them for something else could lead to serious problems like heart attacks.

Spread the word about these warning signs so others can get help in time. If you or someone you know feels chest discomfort, especially with risk factors for heart disease, don't wait. Get medical help right away. Your heart deserves it.



Dr. Jahangeer

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