Dr. Jahangeer
2 min readFeb 1, 2024


In our daily lives, the simple act of incorporating 2-3 eggs into our diet can bring about remarkable changes, addressing various health concerns. This article will guide you through the transformative impact of consistently consuming eggs for at least a month, shedding light on the multitude of benefits they offer.

1. Combatting Fatigue:

Muscle weakness, a common ailment, can be alleviated by strengthening the muscles. For a 70kg individual, a daily intake of 70g of protein is crucial, with the body producing a portion of it. Eggs, rich in branch chain amino acids, provide an excellent source of natural amino acids, even surpassing meat such as beef. Each average-sized egg contains a minimum of 6 grams of protein, making it a valuable addition to your diet.

2. Improving Sleep Quality:

Poor sleep and frequent awakening can often be linked to a deficiency in magnesium, a fact not widely known. Remarkably, one egg contains approximately 10mg of magnesium, a substantial contribution towards fulfilling the daily requirement. Incorporating eggs into your diet may help alleviate sleep-related issues.

3. Promoting Healthy Hair Growth:

Keratin protein is essential for hair growth, and biotin aids in its production. Egg yolk is rich in biotin, making it a natural and effective source. With biotin supplements flooding the market, opting for the natural source found in eggs can eliminate the need for expensive supplements, addressing common issues like hair loss.

4. Strengthening Bones:

Calcium and vitamin D are pivotal for bone growth. Eggs stand out as a rare natural source where both these crucial elements coexist in substantial quantities. Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D can lead to weakened bones, causing pain and discomfort. Eggs play a vital role in maintaining bone health.

5. Enhancing Memory:

Choline, a chemical present in eggs, aids in the production of acetylcholine, promoting better memory. Consuming eggs regularly ensures a sufficient supply of choline, contributing to improved cognitive function.

6. Alleviating Depression:

Serotonin deficiency is a common cause of low mood and depression. Tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, is found in eggs. Incorporating eggs into your diet can positively impact mood, providing a natural solution to combat depression.

7. Boosting Sexual Health:

Recognizing the significance of testosterone in sexual health, many turn to supplements. However, egg yolk contains a substantial amount of zinc, a natural testosterone booster. Regular consumption of eggs can contribute to improved sexual health and libido.

8. Supporting Vision and Immunity:

Apart from the mentioned benefits, eggs also provide vitamin A and lutein, crucial for maintaining healthy eyesight and a robust immune system.


Incorporating 2-3 eggs into your daily diet is a simple yet effective way to address various health concerns, from fatigue to poor memory, and even sexual dysfunction. Whether opting for free-range or farm-fresh eggs, the nutritional benefits remain substantial. Prioritize your health by embracing the natural goodness found in eggs, and experience a holistic improvement in your overall well-being.

Thank you for tuning in, and may you enjoy the journey to a healthier lifestyle.



Dr. Jahangeer

Doctor & Writer | Sharing Insights on Health, Lifestyle, & Tech | Making Medicine Accessible to All 🌿✨